NOTICE - new website is under construction, coming soon
Action Research & Associates Inc.
Take Action for Results You Can Trust

Action Research & Associates, Inc. is a woman-owned small business based in the Greater Washington DC/Baltimore area, serving Maryland, the Nation and beyond.  Established in 2002 by Kris Juffer, PhD, Action Research offers our clients a full array of services and products in —
· Research
· Program evaluation
· Assessment
· Market research
· Cross-cultural research
— customized to fit each customer’s unique circumstances 
and each project’s specific objectives.  
With more than 25 years’ research experience, we work 
with large, medium-sized and small clients in the U.S. and 
internationally, and provide services in English and Spanish, 
as well as other languages. 
Action Research works in close cooperation with our clients 
to ensure the highest quality products that meet and exceed 
your expectations. 

We look forward to working with you!Welcome_files/KJufferBio-1.pdfshapeimage_2_link_0

Program evaluation


Market research

Cross-cultural research

Coming soon in Spanish.
To communicate with us:
Action Research & Associates, Inc.
Telephone/Fax: 410-465-1299
P.O. Box 494
Ellicott City, MD 21041-0494   USA
Cross-cultural Research-samples:
Action Research is contracted by BEST and the Department of Defense to conduct a multi-year evaluation of the NSF-funded science program Materials World Modules, developed by R. H. Chang, Northwestern University. 
To read a Summary of the Evaluation Report, click here: MWMEvalExecSumm.pdf
To read the Full Report, click here: Final Report Feb 27.pdf